Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009


J'ai dis que "tu me manque", "*bisous*" et "je t'aime" sont interdit ... mais pour l'instant il me faux que ca.


aussi, mainenent, toujours, encore - POUR TOUJOURS!!!

n'oublie moi pas ...

je t'aime ...



Montag, 30. November 2009

Such a wonderful day

i can't explain more than the title does.

the day began with speculoos at breakfest.


between 11 o clock and 5 o clock i didn't have school and i went with Jack to the theater.

well .. actuall i DID have school - sport ... EPS -.-'

so ... i didn't go.
but look what wonderful things i found.

*caugh caugh*

then we went there.

and it was so beautiful there ... i coudn't do it not .....

it's just like ... keeping always those words in me, they would suddenly brake out and i just HAD to say these 2 1/2 ridiculous words.

ur KC with 愛

Mittwoch, 25. November 2009

Over the rand of your tea-cup

Have you seen the old man
In the closed-down market
Kicking up the paper,
with his worn out shoes?
In his eyes you see no pride
And held loosely at his side
Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl
Who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
She's no time for talking,
She just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home in two carrier bags.

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

In the all night cafe
At a quarter past eleven,
Same old man is sitting there on his own
Looking at the world
Over the rand of his tea-cup,
Each tea last an hour
Then he wanders home alone

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

And have you seen the old man
Outside the seaman's mission
Memory fading with
The medal ribbons that he wears.
In our winter city,
The rain cries a little pity
For one more forgotten hero
And a world that doesn't care

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

Looking at the world over the rand of his tea-cup

I think people don't look over the rand of their tea-cups, because the tea smells so delicious and the rim is so high. Too difficult to jump over.
But ... if they would taste the tea, they'll understand, that nothing is like it seems.
Even though I never drank my my tea ... or coffe ... how ever ... I looked over the tea-cup.
First I saw a wonderful new world ... but then ... I realized there where just millions of other poeple, sitting behind their tea-cups.

ur KC with love

Montag, 23. November 2009

I never thought ...

I never thought that I could wake up in the morning with a thought so strong on my mind.
I never thought that I could be so happy about an SMS.
I never thought that I could begin to cry, reading this SMS.
I never thought that writing this thought, could make me feel so sad.
I never thought that saying hello to someone you'll maybe never see again, could be so hard.
I never thought that saying hello to someone you love and you'll certainly never see again, could be so hard.
I never thought that I could smile so happily, even though I'm sadder than I have ever been.
I never thought that drawing stupidly on a backside of a paper with a simple pencil could make me so happy.
I never thought that I could find someone else, who makes it happy, drawing stupidly on a backside of a paper with a simple pencil.
I never thought that a hole hour of an afternoon without saying one world, could make me so contented.
I never thought that being contented could sadden me.

Well ... tu vas me dire: I never thought that being in love could be so great and horrible at the same time.

Montag, 16. November 2009


comment explqiué mes sentiment que j'ai pour toi, si je n'arrive pas a convincre les mots de sortir de ma bouche?

je t'aime

Sonntag, 15. November 2009


there were a time, where she believed in love.
but it'S long ago
no ... she doesn't believe in love
she doesn't believe in anything
I just bit my hand, cause i watched this vid:

Dogs - muahaha

I'm not the only one who hates dogs.
i knew it

Montag, 9. November 2009

Je t'aime

Je t'aime
je t'aime tres fort
et je sais que tu le sais
meme si ces mots ne m'echape jamais de ma bouche
je t'aime et j'aimerais telment te le dire ...

Donnerstag, 5. November 2009

for shirubia-sempai, my heart, my love, my true Self

Dear my friend

Look at the sky
Now we're looking at the same sky
No matter how far we're appart
same world, same generation
like the sea and the sky, could also be connected somewhere

dear my friend
if i could follow these clouds,
i wonder if it would lead to your town

say hello
I tried shouting your name with a big voice into the sky
I truly miss you thought.
i can'T even see you in my dreams
if i could only fly freely into the sky like those bird
only....i have no wings
instead I can embrace you with these hands
so stronlgy as if I envy the birds

dear my friend

dear my friend
if i could grab, hold one of these clouds, would it bring me to where you arE?
and if we could meet again someday next time, I'll grasp your hands tightly
So I can't lose you

So I can't lose you
Like a bird
Like the wind


Dear my friend, sora wo, mina yo
Ima bokura wa, onaji sora wo, miten da
Tooku, hanarete temo, onaji sekai onaji sekai
Minu sora no yo ni, bokutachi mo, dokoka tsunagatterareta nara

Dear my friend, kono kumo, tadowotte yukeba
Kimi no machi e, tsuzuiteru kana?

Say hello, kimi no, namae wo, oogoe de sora ni saken de miten da
Hontou wa, aitakute, demo yume de sae aenakute
Ano tori no yo ni, oozora wo, moshino jiyuu ni, tobeta nara
Donna ni, darou

Boku ni wa, hane ga nai kedo, kawari ni
Kono te de, kimo wo, dakishimerareru kara
Sou tsuyoku, tori tachi mo, urayamu kurai ni


Dear my friend, kono kumo ni, tsukamaratte ireba
Kimi no, motoe e, hakon de kureru ka na?
Soshite mata itsuka, aeta nara
Kondo wa shikkari to te wo nigitte
Hagurenai yo ni, hagurenai yo ni

Like a bird, like a wind.

Aishiteru, Shirubia-sempai
And i hope you don'T fall in love with japan. i HAVE TO see you again.
otherwise - my heart will die

ur Kumiko-chan

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009


"cuuuuuuuuuuut" screamed it in side me
cut cut cut
and then - it was cut!

maintenent j'ai des cheveux bien court et en noir et rouge. *jei*

sauf que faire des tresse ...... fin ........ c'Est fini ^.^

voila. sinon il y a rien de neuf.

ici donc la chanson qui me rends heureuse:

bisous ^.^ a+

ur KC with 愛

Montag, 26. Oktober 2009

Welcome to Shanghai

C'est un sac ou je met mes lettre que je resoit dedans. je sais pas d'ou je l'ai en fait.
bonne question ........

et si vous vous demander pourquoi il y a une rape a fromage devans, c'est mon instrument pour le cours de musique a l'ecole

ur Kc wizzzz 愛

between msn and host clubs

I was just readin' the wonderful story of host club, where tamaki finally understands, that he'S in love with haruhi, during a calm-no-one-say-something on msn, then suddenly Mr. Jack wrote me this mesage:

And so the black cat was watching the end of the world, thinking at
his past, when he had time and didn't do anything usefull ...

what did he mean with it?

2eme jour

Je me suis couchée a 3 heure tu mat hier. jourd'hui. tout en etent sur que je puisse me levee vers midi/1 heure.
a beeeeen
je me suis levee a 8 heure et demi
*head meets/feeds and crash table*
donc, meme en etent TRES NUL en maths: j'ai dormi 5 heures. pas beaucoup pour qqun qui dort normalement 14 heures


Especially when Mr. Jack said after this vid:
sais they were ugly.
i, sitting on my bed in front of my little laptop, was just there *calm down kumiko, calm down. he don' know them. he don't know them and their great music. he's just ...*
j'Avoue .... it maked me mad.

YES. Alright. he looks like a womam. BUT A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. THE MOST PREATTY WOMAN IN WORLD (at leat in japan)
And anyway. Ca c'etait il y a - quoi - 20 ans?
maintenent he looks like:

still feminime, but at least HANDSOME (not more beautiful =P)

Et toute facon, c'est un Drummer et Pianist exeptionell. That's the only important thing!

Sooo enough Tai Chi to calm down xD

I'm going to get some lollies somewhere......and maybe I should clean up my room (>.< it's so messy again!!!)

so さよなら and to te next time =)

ur KC

ps: j'ai encore fini par ecrire en anglais. n'importe quoi tzttztztz

Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2009


Sometimes I argue with someone about cats and dogs.
I'm on the catside.
I love cats. Cats are my friends. I couldn't live without them. Dogs are so stupid.

I know how this kind of conversation develope:
The Dog-lover will say: "noooo they aren't stupid! they so intellegent!"
And I'm gonna answer: "um...helloo, somebody in there! When you say sit, the dog sits. When you say run, the dog runs. When you throw a ball, the dog catchs it. I'm sorry,where was the intellegent part? Did I miss it???
When you say to a humain-being "run" and he really begins to run, do you say he's intellegent or stupid, hum?"
Argumenting with that, the dog-lover will say: "A Cat even CAN'T do things like retrieve balls!"
Often at this point, I have to laugh. "Yes, a cat CAN do this. But it doesn't want to! Actually, I think, the cat it-self has to laugh about the dog!"
Finally, when I already won (I always win in such things) the dog-lover sends me things like that:
Then, I'm laughing again: "oh please. A cat doesn't do such things because his cleverness. Look the poeple in background are laughing, aren't they. The cat brings them to laugh, because it wants to show the dog-lovers, that THEY are ITS pet!"
ignoring the diffrence =)

your 久美子-ちゃん with 愛

tu sais....

-Tu sais, dit-elle en la regardend dans les yeux, un jour je me suis retournée et tu etais la!
-Tu sais, repondi l'autre en sourient, je me retourne souvent, pour regarder si tu es encore là.

J'ai ecris ce petite texte - meme pas en etats, d'etre un vrai poem, tellment il est petit -
quand J'avais ... quoi ... 12 ans je crois.
Je l'ai aussi ecris en anglais et allemand. Que pour me rendre conte, que le francais, c'est la langue la plus belle.

♠ un Rêve rose, un Rêve bleu ♠

Pour commencé:

le blog: j'ai un autre blog, allemand. und vrai blog xD ou je raconte mes VRAI pensee. pourquoi alors le blog ici? ben....a cause des francais, dont leurs allemand est....MEME APRES 7 ANS D'ETUDE(desole, jack)..........enfin...bref....mon francais n'est pas mieux xD

le nom: Aladin - Rêve bleu ...... connu bien sur! Mais en fait, j'aime pas le bleu, ni le rose. donc un blog rose et bleu: TROP BIEN! (c'Est ma logique - faut pas esseyer de comprendre)

bisous alors.......a ........ bientot